UP Board Solutions for Class 9 English Grammar Chapter 21 Model Paper

UP Board Solutions

UP Board Solutions for Class 9 English Grammar Chapter 21 Model Paper

These Solutions are part of UP Board Solutions for Class 9 English. Here we have given UP Board Solutions for Class 9 English Grammar Chapter 21 Model Paper

Model Paper

(i) This question-paper is divided into two section ‘A’ and ‘B’.
(ii) All questions from the two sections are compulsory.
(iii) Marks are indicated against each question.
(iv) Read the questions very carefully before you answer them.

[TIME: 3 Hrs. 15 Minutes ]                                                                                         [M.M.: 70]


1. Read the following passage and answer the questions given below it:  2+2=4
It is difficult to imagine how hard and dangerous, it was, to travel from one country to another six or seven hundred years ago. Men had to travel mainly by overland routes. They had to move slowly as and when they got the chance. Many persons died on the way for lack of food and water. People had to travel with large parties, or caravans, as they were called. Bands of robbers knew these routes too. They attacked caravans and looted them. Many travellers were killed in the fighting that took place. Others died of hunger and thirst when everything they had was stolen and taken away. Only persons of great courage could dare undertake long journeys which led them to strange lands and sometimes took years to complete,


(i) Write the name of the lesson from which the above passage has been taken.  02
(ii) What type of people dared to go on long journeys?  02

2. Answer any one of the following questions in about 60 words:  1×4=4
(i) What qualities of Serivan have been brought out in the story?
(ii) What is the most important rule of the road?

3. Answer any two of the following questions in about 25 words:  2+2=4
(i) How did people travel in the past?
(ii) What did Serivan sell?
(iii) Why was the girl sad?

4. Match the words of List ‘A’ with their meanings in List ‘B’: 1×4=4
List ‘A’                               List ‘B’
(Words)                            (Meanings)
(a) Plan                             Lifted
(b)Raised                         Alert
(c) Chance                       Scheme
(d) Careful                      Opportunity

5. Read the following piece of poetry and answer the questions given below it:  2+2=4
And I think it no disgrace
To occupy my place
if I’m not so large as you,
You are not so small as I,
And not half so spry;


(i) Write the name of the poem from which the stanza has been selected.  02
(ii) What does ‘you’ stand for here?  02

6. Give the ‘Central idea’ of ar, one of the following poems in about 40 words : 03
(a) Indian Weavers
(b) Sympathy
(c) Faithful Friends
Or Write four lines from any one of the poems given in your text-book.
(Do not copy out the lines given in this question-paper.)

7. Answer any two of the following questions in about 25 words each :  2+2=4
(a) Who was Ba? Why did Gandhiji not ask her to prepare the coffee?
(b) Whom did Dev Datt shoot down?
(c) Why did Halku want to give the money to Sohana?

8. Point out the ‘True’ and ‘False’ statements in the following: 1×4=4
(a) Gandhiji was a first class nurse to the sick.
(b) Siddhartha claimed the swan because he had saved it.
(c) Children of different countries are quite different.
(d) Jhabra loved his master very much.

9. Select the most suitable alternative to complete the following statements : 1×4=4
(a) Halku’s wife gave three rupees to Halku because :
(i) she wanted to invest them in the land
(ii) she wanted to eat her bread in peace
(iii) Halku wanted to buy some bread with them
(iv) Halku was ill-treated by the money-lender

(b) Dev Datt claimed the swan because :

(i) he had caught it
(ii) he had shot it
(iii) he had bought it
(iv) he had saved it

(c) Gandhiji promised the young lad:

(i) a cup of coffee only
(ii) warm toast and coffee
(iii) coffee and thosai
(iv) a cup of tea

(d) Pandit Nehru wanted to go with young children to :

(i) big factories of India
(ii) mountains, forests and big rivers of India
(iii) great cities of India
(iv) big towns of India


10. Frame sentence as indicated against each of the following sentences : 2+2+2+2=8
(i) A scooter I see on the road. (Frame correct sentence by reordering the words)  02
(ii) He gets up early every morning. (Negative Sentence) 02
(iii) The teacher said to the boys, “Have you done your work today?” (Indirect Speech)  02
(iv) They are………………………..a letter. (write) (Use correct form of the Verb)    02

11. Choose the correct preposition given against the sentence to fill in the blank:
(a) Somebody knocked. …………my door.(with, at, for, since, of, by) 02
(b) Complete the following sentence:   Honesty is the…………………
(c) Complete the spelling of the following words:  1/2+1/2=01
(d) Punctuate the following sentence using capital letters wherever necessary:    02
i am going to aligarh tomorrow to play a hockey match.

12. Translate the following passage into English : 04     
फूलपुर में एक सरकारी स्कूल है। स्कूल में 15 शिक्षिकाएँ और 500 छात्राएँ हैं। स्कूल की इमारत छोटी है। स्कूल के सामने एक मैदान है।

13. Write an application to the Principal of your college informing him about your illness and requesting him to grant you leave of absence for three days.
Write in about 100 words a letter to your father requesting him to send you more money this time. 04   

14. Write a composition on any one of the following topics in about 60 words. Points are given below for each topic for develop the composition.

(a) An Ideal Teacher 
1. Introduction,
2. His dress and appearance,
3. His behaviour,
4. His method of teaching,
5. His qualities.

(b)My School

1. Name and Situation,
2. Building,
3. Library,
4. Play Ground,
5. Conclusion.

(c) An Indian Farmer

1. Introduction,
2. Home,
3. Education,
4. Daily Life,
5. Source of Enjoyment,
6. Efforts of Improvement.

15. Read the following passage carefully and on the basis of your reading answer the questions given below it: 06
Gandhiji was not against machines. He believed that a machine is good if it serves a man, but it is harmful when it seeks to master him. He was against the large scale use of machines because he wanted to utilize the immense manpower and cattle power of India. He was completely in favour of village and cottage industries so that people could employ their own resources to improve their economic condition. Gandhiji was a believer in self-dependence so that people might not rely on British and foreign aid for their prosperity. The revival of hand-spinning and hand-weaving industries in our country shook the foundations of the British Empire. Another reason of Gandhiji’s dislike for machines was that large scale production has the  tendency of concentrating wealth in a few hands.
(i) What was the attitude of Gandhiji towards machines?
(ii) Why was Gandhiji in favour of village industry?

We hope the UP Board Solutions for Class 9 English Grammar Chapter 21  Model Paper help you.